Everyone needs this especially homeowners Very nice
So simple and yet such a useful little tool.
It claims when I open it for the first time, it will be empty until I out categories, etc in it. It's not empty! It's got tasks in there I don't want, don't need (I don't have a darn cat, but there's a category for cleaning a litter box!). Can't find how to delete it all since it was supposed to be empty in the first place!
Looking at all the 'when did I Iast do x' apps out there, this one definitely comes in near the top with Dropbox sync, free dark mode, and categories. Would be great to be able to see the history of when I did each thing, though, in a list or on a calendar view? Otherwise this is my go-to for this type of memory app!
Looks like this app is going to be really useful. One quibble, when adding a new item, in the menu for time values (hours, days, etc) there's black letters on dark gray background in dark mode of the app. Also in the car category if it would somehow be possible to record or make note of kilometers or miles as a reminder?
Excellent implementation for a really needed brain augmentation. My brain just doesn't retain this type of information, yet I am always in need to keep track of repeating tasks. Mouser saved the day (again) with this awesome approach. Thank you!
WhenLast helps me keep track of when I last did X (made an image backup, washed the sheets, etc.). I have WL on both my tablet and my phone, and the app makes it easy to sync between the two. Also, the developer is extraordinarily responsive and continues to add new features.
Really like the idea. S/O to r/androidapps for this.